Friday, November 2, 2007

HW: 27 Annotated Bibliography

Baghdad Burning is a book about a girl named Riverbend who writes about her experiences in Iraq as the war goes on around her from a day to day basis. The blogs in which she writes, become the main source for people around the world to read up on her about her experiences and status throughout war. The people around the world tend to rely on her for updates. The reason why this book relates specifically to the work that is done in class, is because the class relates directly to blogging and how blogging is changing the world. In this case the simple idea that Riverbend uses her feelings and ideas to share with the rest of the world, is exactly what we are learning in class. From this blog we are able to learn what it is like for a girl in Iraq to go through a period of war and difficulty, through her eyes. Being able to see things from anothers perspective, is a great way to feel what others feel and invision what others see, which is a great way to learn about anothers culture and way of life.

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